Creating Workspace
Last updated
Last updated
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for navigating and setting up a workspace in the Test Development section. It includes creating a workspace, adding a description, configuring test case types, setting priorities, and switching between workspaces.
Here’s an interactive demo to quickly guide you through the process. Use it to explore the steps in an engaging, hands-on way.
Prefer detailed instructions? Here's a comprehensive step-by-step guide to walk you through the process at your own pace.
Navigate to Test Development Section
Click on Workspace Section
Click on Create to create a Workspace
Enter Name for the new Workspace
Add Description to the Workspace (Optional)
Click 'Create' to be redirected to the Workspace Setup page
Click on Dropdown Icon
Click on Test Case Types
Click on Test Case Types
Similarly, Click on + Add Type
Add Testcase Types to the Workspace
Click on Test Case Priorities and Click on + Add Priority
Enter the Test Case Priority type to the Workspace
Click on Test Development section
Click on Workspace Section
You can Navigate to required Workspace and click on the Version
The Workspace has been changed Successfully