How to add Wait Template
Last updated
Last updated
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a Wait Template in a Test Development section. It explains how to navigate to the Test Development section, add a test step, select and edit the Wait Template, add the necessary data, and view the execution details.
Tip: Whenever you encounter buffering on your screen or experience delays while navigating between pages, ensure you implement a "wait for a test-data seconds" template. This step is crucial to guarantee the timely retrieval of locators; otherwise, the test case might fail due to their untimely fetching.
Here’s an interactive demo to quickly guide you through the process. Use it to explore the steps in an engaging, hands-on way.
Prefer detailed instructions? Here's a comprehensive step-by-step guide to walk you through the process at your own pace.
Navigate to Test Development Section
Click on Test Cases
Click on the required Test case
Click to Add a new Test Step
Click on the Test Step and Type 'Wait' and use the Action from the Drop down list
Click on Action button
Enter the Time to Wait (in sec)
Click on Create button
Click on Create to create the Test Step
Wait Template Added successfully in the Test Step
Click on Run
The Test case has been successfully Executed