This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a cross-browser test plan in ContextQA. By following these steps, users can easily set up a test plan that includes different browsers such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. This guide is useful for anyone who needs to ensure their website or application is compatible and functions properly across various browsers.
1. Navigate to Test Development section
2. Click Test Plans
3. Click + Test Plan
4. Click Name field and Enter a name for Test Plan
5. Add Description (Optional)
6. Click on Next
7. Click Plus Icon to Add Test Suites
8. Select the required Test_Suites
9. Click Right arrow to add the Test Suites to the Test Plan
10. Click Add
11. Select the Test Suites
12. Click on Add Machine/Device
13. Click on Name field and Enter a name for your Machine/Device
14. Click Dropdown icon and Select the Platform
15. Click Browser
16. Click on Browser Dropdown icon
17. Click on Chrome
18. Click on Create
19. Select Test Suite
20. Click Add Machine/Device
21. Click Create new Machine
22. Click Name field and Enter a name for your Machine/Device
23. Select Platform by Clicking Dropdown icon
24. Click Browser
25. Click Browser Dropdown icon
26. Click on required Browser
27. Click on Create
28. Platform you added will be seen here. Same way you can add multiple Browser/Devices
29. Click on Next
30. Click on Create
31. Cross Browser Plan is Created successfully