Ecommerce Login Scenario

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to perform ecommerce login testing on the Saucedemo site using ContextQA. It explains how to record the test steps, execute the test case, and view the run details for further analysis. By following this guide, users can effectively test the ecommerce login functionality and ensure its successful execution.

Tip: Users are encouraged to explore and perform testing on the Saucedemo site utilizing ContextQA


1. Navigate to

2. Create a Testcase for Ecommerce Login

3. Click on Recording Start and record all the Steps

4. Click the Username field and add any Username already listed in the page

5. Click the Password field and add the password listed in the page

6. Click on Login button

7. User is successfully logged In

8. Click on Recording Stop and Save the Steps

9. Navigate to ContextQA Test development Section and Click the Testcase

10. Here is the Recorded Test Steps

11. Click on Run button

12. It will redirect to Run Results section, Change the auto refresh to 10 Seconds

13. Testcase is executed successfully

14. Click on the Executed Testcase to view Run Details page

15. Here is the Run Details section with Recorded video and Trace View for further analysis

Last updated