End to End Order Checkout Scenario

This guide provides a step-by-step process for testing the order and checkout scenario in an e-commerce website. It includes instructions for creating test cases, recording steps, adding and executing test steps, and viewing run details, including recorded videos and trace views. This guide is helpful for anyone involved in testing e-commerce websites and ensuring a smooth order and checkout process.


1. Create Testcase for Ecommerce-Order & Checkout Scenario

2. Navigate to Product page of https://www.saucedemo.com/and start recording

3. Click on Product Add to Cart

4. Click on the Cart Icon

5. Click on Remove button to remove any product

6. Click on Checkout

7. Click the First Name field and Enter the Name

8. Click the Last Name field and Enter Last Name

9. Click the Zip/Postal Code field and Add Zipcode

10. Click the Continue button

11. Click Finish button

12. Click on Thank you for your order!

13. Stop the ContextQA Recording and Save the Steps

14. Navigate to ContextQA Test Development Section

15. Click on the Testcase

16. Click on + Add Step and add Step Group of Ecommerce Login Scenario

Tip: Create a Step Group of previously created Ecommerce Login Scenario and add it as First step, just to avoid recording multiple login flows.

To know how to Create Step Group Click here

17. Login Step Group is added successfully. Click on the + icon to view Steps

18. Expanded Steps of Step Group

19. Click on Run

20. It will redirect to Run Results Page., Change the Auto refresh to Every 10 seconds

21. Testcase is executed successfully

22. Click on the Executed Testcase to view the Run Details

23. Here is the Run Details Section with Recorded Video and Trace View

24. The Trace viewer screenshot shows Order has been placed successfully

25. Click on Test Steps (Executed)

26. Here is Test Steps Executed Successfully