Create Test Suite & Plan in ContextQA

Let's see how you can group and manage your test cases in ContextQA. Follow these steps to create a test suite and a test plan:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Creating a Test Suite:

1. Navigate to Test Development Section:

  • On the ContextQA platform, click the pencil icon in the sidebar to open the Test Development section.

2. Click on Test Suites:

  • From the dropdown menu, select 'Test Suites'.

3. Click on Create:

  • Click the 'Create' button to start a new test suite.

4. Enter the Test Suite Name:

  • Provide a descriptive name for your test suite to make it easily identifiable.

5. Click + Add Test Cases:

  • Click the '+ Add Test Cases' button to add test cases to your suite.

6. Search the Test Cases:

  • Use the search bar to find the test cases you want to include in your suite.

7. Select the Test Cases by Clicking on the Checkbox:

  • Select the test cases you want to add by clicking the checkbox next to each one.

8. Click on Right Arrow to Add All Selected Test Cases:

  • Click the right arrow to add the selected test cases to your test suite.

9. Click on Save:

  • Once all the required test cases are added, click 'Save' to save the test suite.

10. Finalize Your Test Suite:

  • After saving, click 'Create' to finalize your test suite.

11. Navigate to Your Test Suite:

  • Click on 'Testing_suit' to open your newly created test suite.

12. View the Test Cases in the Suite:

  • Expand the dropdown menu to view all the test cases included in the suite.

13. Test Suite Created Successfully:

  • Your test suite is now successfully created and ready for execution.

Creating Cross-Browser Test Plan in ContextQA

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Navigate to Test Development Section:

  • Click on the pencil icon in the sidebar to go to the Test Development section.

2. Click on Test Plans:

  • From the dropdown menu, select 'Test Plans'.

3. Click + Test Plan:

  • Click the '+ Test Plan' button to create a new test plan.

4. Enter a Name for Your Test Plan:

  • Provide a descriptive name for your test plan.

5. Add Description (Optional):

  • Optionally, add a description to provide additional context for your test plan.

6. Click Next:

  • Proceed by clicking 'Next'.

7. Add Test Suites:

  • Click the plus icon '+' to add test suites to your plan.

  • Select the required test suites and click the right arrow to add them.

8. Add Machine/Device:

  • Click 'Add Machine/Device' to specify the testing environment.

  • Enter a name for your machine, select the platform (e.g., Windows, macOS), and choose the browser (e.g., Chrome).

9. Repeat to Add More Machines/Devices:

  • To add more devices or machines, click 'Create New Machine' and follow the same steps for each platform or browser (e.g., Safari).

10. Click Next:

  • Once all machines/devices are added, click 'Next'.

11. Create the Cross-Browser Test Plan:

  • Click 'Create' to finalize and save the cross-browser test plan.

12. Cross-Browser Plan Created Successfully:

  • Your cross-browser test plan is now successfully created.

Creating Cross-Device Test Plan in ContextQA

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Navigate to Test Development Section:

  • Click the pencil icon to go to the Test Development section.

2. Click on Test Plans:

  • Select 'Test Plans' from the dropdown menu.

3. Click on +Test Plan:

  • Click the '+ Test Plan' button to start a new test plan.

4. Enter a Name for Test Plan:

  • Enter a descriptive name for your cross-device test plan.

5. Add Description (Optional):

  • Optionally, add a description to provide more details about your plan.

6. Click Next:

  • Click 'Next' to proceed.

7. Add Test Suites:

  • Click 'Add Test Suites' to include test suites in your plan.

  • Select the required test suites and click the right arrow to add them.

8. Add Machine/Device:

  • Click 'Add Machine/Device' to define the testing environment.

  • Enter a name for your machine and select the platform (e.g., iOS, Android).

  • Choose the device (e.g., Pixel 5 or iPhone 13) and click 'Create' to add the machine/device.

9. Repeat for Multiple Devices:

  • You can add multiple machines or devices by repeating the process and selecting additional platforms and devices.

10. Finalize the Test Plan:

  • After adding all the devices, click 'Next' and then 'Create' to finalize your cross-device test plan.

11. Cross-Device Test Plan Created Successfully:

  • Your cross-device test plan is now successfully created and includes the devices you selected.

These step-by-step guides ensure you can efficiently create and manage test suites, as well as build comprehensive cross-browser and cross-device test plans in ContextQA.

Last updated