Creating a Workspace in ContextQA

A workspace in ContextQA is a designated area where you can manage and organize your testing projects. Workspaces are crucial for collaboration and maintaining a structured workflow within your team. This guide will walk you through the steps to create and manage workspaces effectively.

Steps to Create a Workspace

1. Navigate to the Workspaces Section

  • Log in to your ContextQA account.

  • In the sidebar on the left, click on the 'Workspaces' section to access the workspace management area.

2. Click on Create Workspace

  • In the Workspaces section, click on the 'Create Workspace' button.

3. Enter Workspace Name

  • Provide a name for your workspace. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose or focus of the workspace.

4. Add Description (Optional)

  • Optionally, enter a description to specify the purpose or key details of the workspace. This helps team members understand the workspace's function and goals.

5. Add Team Members

  • Add team members to the workspace by entering their email addresses or selecting from a list of available users.

  • Ensure that all relevant team members are included to facilitate collaboration.

6. Set Permissions

  • Assign appropriate permissions to each team member. You can choose from different roles such as Admin, Editor, or Viewer, depending on the level of access required.

  • Adjust permissions to ensure team members have the right access to features and data within the workspace.

7. Click on Create

  • Review all the details you have entered.

  • Click the 'Create' button to finalize and create the workspace.

Your workspace is now created successfully and is ready for use. You and your team can now start organizing and managing your testing projects within this workspace.

By following these steps, you can efficiently create and set up workspaces in ContextQA, enabling a more organized and collaborative testing environment.

Last updated