Proof & Release Management in ContextQA

ContextQA provides a robust system for managing and validating test cases through Proof & Release processes. This guide will walk you through how to execute test cases, capture evidence, and complete the release process.

Proof Management

1. Access the Test Plan

  • Log in to ContextQA and navigate to the Test Development section by clicking the pencil icon in the sidebar.

  • Select Test Plans from the dropdown menu.

  • Choose the Test Plan you want to work with. A Test Plan organizes your test suites and test cases for efficient management.

2. View and Select Test Suites

  • Within the selected Test Plan, locate the Test Suites that contain your test cases.

  • Identify the test suites based on the environment or specific scenarios you need to test.

3. Run Test Cases Manually

  • Click the Run Manually button next to your chosen test suite.

  • This action creates a copy of the test suite for this specific run, which helps in maintaining and tracking test case execution.

4. Perform Regression Testing

  • You will be redirected to a new screen displaying the test cases to be executed.

  • Click on the desired test case to begin the execution.

  • ContextQA will automatically capture evidence such as screenshots, logs, and actions performed during the test.

Release Management

1. Capture Evidence

  • During the test case execution, ContextQA captures evidence including screenshots and logs of every step.

  • Continue interacting with the application as usual. ContextQA will document all actions and steps taken during the test.

2. Review Captured Evidence

  • After test execution, go to the Proof section to view all captured evidence.

  • Each test case will show the steps and evidence collected, including screenshots and details of the interactions.

  • Click on each step to review the captured data.

3. Mark Test Case Results

  • Review the captured steps and evidence.

  • For each step, you can:

  1. Mark as 'Pass' or 'Fail' based on the results.

  2. Add notes or comments if necessary (e.g., “Expected behavior missing”).

  • Click Update to save your results.

4. Finalize the Release

  • Once all test cases are reviewed, you will have a summary of the pass/fail status for each test case.

  • The release summary will include all captured evidence and test case results.

  • Ensure all data is accurate and complete before finalizing the release.

5. Post-Release Summary

  • After completing the release, you can revisit the release summary to analyze test results and evidence.

  • Use this data for reporting, further analysis, or future reference to ensure thorough documentation of the release process.

Your Proof & Release process is now complete with all necessary test cases executed and documented. This ensures a comprehensive validation of your application and helps maintain high-quality standards.

Last updated